Next Steps


Greetings! This page is for students who have already been accepted to AU's College Credit Plus program. All students (including those taking courses at their high school) need to complete the following actions:

  1. Review the Orientation Module
  2. 在模块结束时提交表单.
  3. 激活(并使用)您的AU电子邮件.


  • 非盟共产党学生奖学金 - Up to $4000!
    • All high school students (in the Class of 2024 and beyond) who are enrolled in the College Credit Plus program at AU and matriculate directly from high school into an AU bachelor's program will receive a yearly $1000 scholarship ($500 to be awarded in the fall semester and $500 in the spring semester). 该奖学金每年更新一次(最多四年), or $4000), 并且可以叠加在其他奖学金/助学金上.
  • Explore Majors -葡京平台线上提供60多个专业和项目. 探索我们的学位课程,找到一个是适合你的.
  • 递交申请 - To attend AU after your high school graduation, submit an undergraduate application. Log in with the credentials you originally created when you applied to the CCP program and start a new application.
  • Admission Questions?

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